Upgrade Your Investor Material. Attract More Investors. Boost Your Market Cap.
As top-ranked Wall Street analysts and hedge fund investors, we know which exact narrative signals the market is looking for before investing in a company. We help you showcase these subtle signals to attract the right investors and get the market valuation you deserve.
We only take 5 clients per month to ensure fully personalized attention.

Investor-minded IR strategists unlocking your company’s true value
We are a high-touch IR advisory boutique specialized in helping publicly listed companies attract top-tier investors and sustainably improve their market valuations.
As a collective of former Wall Street analysts and hedge fund investors, we are acutely aware of the subtle narrative elements that make institutional investors interested in acquiring shares in a company. Our expertise is to help your company showcase these subtle signals to attract the right investors.
With all due respect to advocates of the Efficient Market Hypothesis, the market isn’t always fair. Strong operational results do not guarantee strong price performance. For this reason, many CEOs feel overlooked by investors, struggling with the frustration that their companies are undervalued and their true potential goes unnoticed.
of SMID-cap companies executives believe their company is significantly undervalued by the market
According to our proprietary survey run on 220 C-Level executives (US, UK, Europe)

Why is it the case?
Because earning results are just one part of the equation. The other part? Equity storytelling. The story you tell to investors, and the way you present your company’s investment case. According to CFO.com, most small-cap companies could have a 40% higher market valuation with a better equity story.
That’s where we help. Our team brings decades of experience at premier financial institutions, including tier-one investment banks (Goldman Sachs, Lazard), hedge funds (Balyasny Asset Management, Lansdowne Partners), and investor relations firms (Edelman, Bain & Company).
This unique blend of investor-facing experience allows us to give you high-value-added tactical advice to help your company reach its full market potential.

We help high-potential listed companies get the market recognition they deserve
Investor Deck
Create investor decks made to capture the interest of investors and turn them into long-term shareholders.
Investor Q&A
Prepare executives for investor Q&A sessions, roadshows, and other key IR events to maximize investor confidence.
Investor Acquisition Campaign
Help companies secure new shareholders by increasing their market visibility and connecting them with suitable investors.
“All Weather” IR Advisory
Provide ongoing strategic advice on all aspects of investor relations, ensuring optimal communication with investors in any market conditions.
We only take 5 clients per month to ensure fully personalized attention.
Our work in numbers
100s of millions
of incremental market cap created.

34% average increase in trading volume
within 4 months of collaboration.
of clients
outperform industry valuation benchmarks post-collaboration.
100% of CEOs
would recommend our services to other companies.
of clients
listed on Nasdaq, London Stock Exchange, or Euronext.

Want to talk? Book a discovery call now
What we’ll talk about:
What is preventing you from gaining market traction.
Quick fixes on your current investor presentation to boost investor engagement.
Ask us any questions you want related to your market objectives for your company.

Investor Deck Creation For A $200M Nasdaq-Listed SaaS Solution Provider
Investor Deck Creation For A $200M Nasdaq-Listed SaaS Solution Provider
Despite strong operational performance and consistently exceeding expectations, the company's stock price had stagnated for years between $2 and $2.6 per share. The CEO struggled to understand why investors weren’t recognizing the company’s value.
- The investor presentation was overly technical and failed to simplify their technology for investors.
- It lacked robust economic data to showcase competitive advantages clearly.
- Too much emphasis was placed on the product, rather than its ability to generate cash flows and add shareholder value.
- Created a 23-slide investor presentation emphasizing the company’s equity story and competitive strengths.
- Conducted in-depth market research over two weeks to provide compelling data for the deck.
- Collaborated with a top-tier designer to ensure the presentation was visually engaging and optimized for investor appeal.
- +48% market cap increase in 4 months.
- 2 additional sell-side coverage analysts from tier-one brokers.
- Significant growth in institutional shareholder base.
Outcome for the client: +48% market cap Increase in 4 months

September 24:
Beginning of our collaboration. Stock price: 2.60 USD
November 24:
New investor deck unveiled for the first time during major investor event.
December 24:
4 months later, the stock price reached 3.80 USD, a +48% increase.
Get a free audit of your investor presentation
We only take 5 clients per month to ensure fully personalized attention.